Our History
Crossroads is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization established in 2006 to create an interdependent network of individuals and organizations working together to combat poverty and homelessness in Daviess County, Kentucky. We were originally located in the basement of New Life Church, where we operated a soup kitchen and other programs to feed the hungry. We moved to 1631 Breckenridge Street in April 2014. Our new facility allowed expansion of services to the poor and provided the necessary space to move forward with the next phase of our vision…the 2016 opening of Owensboro’s first walk-in Emergency Overnight Shelter for women and children.
Our Mission
Our mission is to alleviate the symptoms of poverty, while providing common ground where the growth and development of hope is fostered through community service. We believe that when we interact with one another, we are all changed; socioeconomic, theological and cultural differences fade away, opening the door to a more just world.
CrossRoads is a nonprofit, 501c(3) corporation created to establish an interdependent network of individuals and organizations working together to combat poverty and homelessness in Daviess County, Kentucky.
We Value
Human Dignity
- by affirming the image of God in everyone
- by treating one another with honor and respect
- by living in a spirit of compassion
- by demonstrating unconditional acceptance
Transformative Community
- by putting relationships first
- by encouraging one another to discover and pursue our passion
- by understanding that through interaction with one another we are all changed
- by practicing forgiveness, grace, trust, transparency, and dependability
Liberating Justice
- by sharing resources with one another
- by creating awareness of systemic injustices
- by recognizing our participation in these structures
- by empowering people to address injustice where they find it